This delicious gaucamole recipe is one of my favourite ways to eat avocado. Guacamole is so very versatile and can be added to pitta breads, on crackers or oatcakes, as a dip with raw veg or toasted pitta slices, dolloped on a salad, on top of beef or bean chilli, on a baked potato! The list goes on.
½ a small red onion
1-2 fresh red chillies
3 ripe avocados
1 bunch of fresh coriander
2 limes
extra virgin olive oil
Peel the onion and deseed 1 chilli, then roughly chop it all on a large board.
De-stone the avocados and scoop the flesh onto the board.
Start chopping it all together until fine and well combined.
Pick over most of the coriander leaves, roughly chop then continue chopping it all together. Sometimes I give it a very quick whizz in the Nutribullet but literally for 3 or 4 seconds as it’s nice when it’s a bit chunky and has texture.
Add the juice from 1 lime and 1 tablespoon of oil, then season to taste with sea salt, black pepper and more lime juice, if needed.
Deseed, finely chop and scatter over the remaining chilli if you like more of a kick. Pick over the reserved coriander leaves, then serve.
This version is really healthy and so easy to make, you'll never buy pre-made guacamole again! Comment below, let us know what you think, did you like the extra spice?